From Dinosaurs to Snakes - Decomposing the Enterprise Monolith

Michael Nicholson 10:55 stage 🎤

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A walkthrough of how a real-world monolith replacement was approached, with the goal to build a replacement set of distributed services using Python and Django.

For anybody that has ever worked on a large scale enterprise monolith and had thoughts on how they would break it down into more manageable services, or - worse - been asked to do so!

This talk will discuss exactly why and when you should consider replacing a monolith, along with some of the decisions taken in a real-world replacement project, and how they affected the implementation over time. By no means a comprehensive talk on all the dos and don’ts of decomposing a monolith, but a decent starter pack of ideas for anybody entering the arena.

About Mike

A displaced Englishman living just outside Stockholm, Sweden - I came for work, stayed for love, and would like to leave for the winters. I’m part of the IT “old guard” that worked with “legacy” systems for years, and have come to Python and Django in the last 5 years and just wish I’d done it sooner.

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