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- Talk recordings UPLOADED
- Venue: Union, Copenhagen BOOKED
- Call for Participation CLOSED
- Ticket sales CLOSED
- Looking for Django Day 2023 videos? Find them here ⏯️
Djangonauts from in and around Denmark are meeting up for the fourth edition of Django Day Copenhagen, to be held on October 4th. It will be a full day of talks, either to be experienced online -or- at our venue.
Come and meet your local and excellent community and share with them. Tell us about your idea and your contribution to make this a great day.
🍿 Talk videos uploaded!
Click each talk in the program to watch the videos.
📸 2024-10-07: Thanks for an amazing day!
We had a great time, and we want to say thanks to all speakers, sponsors, participants, the venue and our co-organizers.
Django Day is a full day of talks, all connected to modern issues faced by Django developers of all experiences. It’s a single-track event, meaning that you won’t have to miss anything. The day will end with a round of lightning talks, which can be submitted on the day of the event, and be drawn during the day.

09:00 Check-in and breakfast 🥐
This is a good time to arrive - register and have time to chat and grab breakfast
09:30 Opening words 📢
Everyone take a seat! We’re beginning!
09:45 Marrying Django and FastAPI 💍
Joseph Victor Zammit - venue talk 🎤 Watch talk 🎞️
Is marrying Django and FastAPI something you should do? Not unless you have a case for it. And there are specific cases. This talk starts by going through such case by describing the problem and …
10:20 From junior developer to Django contributor: My open source journey
Raffaella Suardini - venue talk 🎤 Watch talk 🎞️
Discover how the Djangonaut Space program transformed my professional path from a junior developer to an active member of the Django community. I’ll share my experiences, the challenges I faced, …
10:55 From Dinosaurs to Snakes - Decomposing the Enterprise Monolith
Michael Nicholson - venue talk 🎤 Watch talk 🎞️
A walkthrough of how a real-world monolith replacement was approached, with the goal to build a replacement set of distributed services using Python and Django. For anybody that has ever worked on a …
11:30 Django migrations, friend or foe? Optimize them for testing
Denny Biasiolli - venue talk 🎤
Django migrations are a great tool, but after years of changes in a project they can become very numerous, slowing down tests. Is it possible to optimize them? Django migrations are a great tool for …
12:05 Lunch 🥪
Lunch is served by Send Flere Krydderier
13:00 Mapping out Berlin's female history with Django and Leaflet.js
Rosamund Mather - venue talk 🎤 Watch talk 🎞️
I’ll be introducing my side project Named After Women, built with Django, which documents the diverse stories of women who gave their names to the streets of Berlin: writers, artists, …
13:35 Hypermedia driven maps
Andrea Guerra - venue talk 🎤 Watch talk 🎞️
Using Django, Leaflet.js and HTMX to seamlessly manage a CRUD geolocation app. In Hypermedia Driven Applications, content and user interface share the same data structure: HTML. Some JavaScript …
14:10 Water break

14:20 Modern web apps with (almost) no JavaScript: Enhancing user experience with HTMX in Django
Krystof Beuermann - venue talk 🎤 Watch talk 🎞️
Learn how to significantly enhance user experience in your Django projects by integrating HTMX, a powerful tool that allows for interactive web applications with minimal client-side code. This talk …
14:55 Building a Data Harmonization Engine on top of Django - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Jonathan Ströbele - venue talk 🎤 Watch talk 🎞️
In a research project in epidemiology the need to harmonize context data (geo data, weather, land usage, population, …) started with a few simple Python scripts, and lead to an open source Django …
15:30 Cake 🍰

16:10 as the task runner
Justus Hämäläinen - venue talk 🎤 Watch talk 🎞️
Django is highly integrated framwork with batteries included. In development you have tasks that you need to run for testing, packaging, maintenance and deploy. Often these things are a hodgepodge of …
16:45 Fighting for a better world as a Django developer
Josef Bakke - venue talk 🎤 Watch talk 🎞️
If you work in Django development, you most likely are a worker, having nothing in common with the employing class. This is the case even if you are highly paid and classified as a freelancer. The …
17:20 Water break

17:30 ⚡ Lightning Talks ⚡
Live from Venue and remote pre-recordings Watch talk 🎞️
⚡⚡⚡ Announcing streaming/remote 5 minute lightning talks at Django Day Copenhagen ⚡⚡⚡ Lightning talks: With or without slides Almost any topic you want New speakers encouraged. The lightning talks are …
18:00 Closing words 🌇

19:30 Party 🎉
We’ll be ending the evening at the venue with plenty of time to hang out, dance, chill and have fun! Before the party, join a group of people and find some food in the many options on Nørrebro, …Supporters
Corporate Supporters will be announced here. We thank everyone for their support here, which is indispensable to make Django Day take place.
Who are we?
Django Day is brought to you by Django Denmark, an association formed in 2018 with the aim of creating and supporting education and networking activities in relation to The Django Web Framework.
We can use your help
If you want to help us with Django Day, please send us an email to
Previous events
Django Day Copenhagen 2023
October 6th, 2023
Largest Django Day Copenhagen so far - first time at the venue Union.
Django Day Copenhagen 2022
April 8th, 2022
First in-person event after the pandemic! It was held at Onkel Danny's Plads.
Django Day Copenhagen 2021
Sadly this was postponed to 2021 due to the pandemic. Link contains archive of planned talks and speakers.
Django Girls Copenhagen 2021
April 10th, 2021
Event was held online, click link for more info.
Django Day Copenhagen 2020
Sept 25th, 2020
First event held online due to the pandemic! But also accomodated 50 people in person!
DjangoCon Europe 2019
April 10-14th, 2019
We originally decided that we would do another Django Day 2019 in Copenhagen. But then we got pretty caught up in organizing DjangoCon Europe 2019 in Copenhagen and postponed Django Day.
DjangoDay 2018
April 17th, 2018
Django Copenhagen Day 2018 (slides etc. archived at link above) was a fantastic start for Django Denmark. Before this, we had smaller meetups for many years, but as they slowed down, we decided to try an bigger gathering.