Modern web apps with (almost) no JavaScript: Enhancing user experience with HTMX in Django

Krystof Beuermann 14:20 stage 🎤

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Learn how to significantly enhance user experience in your Django projects by integrating HTMX, a powerful tool that allows for interactive web applications with minimal client-side code. This talk will cover practical examples like click-to-edit interfaces, infinite scrolling, and real-time search, demonstrating how HTMX can simplify development and improve performance.

In today’s web development landscape, delivering a seamless user experience often involves using heavy JavaScript frameworks. However, this approach can lead to increased complexity and performance issues. This talk will introduce HTMX, a powerful tool that allows developers to create interactive web applications with minimal client-side code. By integrating HTMX into Django projects, developers can significantly enhance user experience while maintaining simplicity and efficiency.

About Krystof

Hey there! 👋 I’m Krystof Beuermann, a software architect and business designer from the charming city of Münster, Germany. I co-founded Blackbox Innovation, where I get to combine my love for technology with my passion for turning ideas into real-world digital solutions. But life isn’t all code and tech talk! When I’m not tinkering with new frameworks, you’ll probably find me on stage - yes, I’m also an avid improv theater enthusiast.

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