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Djangonauts from in and around Denmark are meeting up for the fourth edition of Django Day Copenhagen, to be held on October 4th. It will be a full day of talks, either to be experienced online -or- at our venue.

Come and meet your local and excellent community and share with them. Tell us about your idea and your contribution to make this a great day.

📣️ 2024-06-10: Ticket sales open

Venue tickets can now be found! Both Corporate Support and Individual tickets are available. The latter has a time-limited early bird offer 🏃️.

📣️ 2024-05-23: Getting ready for another Django Day Copenhagen

We’ve finally launched the website! We’re eager to make this another great day, and we would love your help. You can for instance submit a talk, help us out with the organizing, encourage others to submit talks, or convince your employer to get a corporate supporter ticket.


The call for participation is open!

Django Day is a full day of talks, all connected to modern issues faced by Django developers of all experiences. It’s a single-track event, meaning that you won’t have to miss anything. The day will end with a round of lightning talks, which can be submitted on the day of the event, and be drawn during the day.


Corporate Supporters will be announced here. We thank everyone for their support here, which is indispensable to make Django Day take place.

Who are we?

Django Day is brought to you by Django Denmark, an association formed in 2018 with the aim of creating and supporting education and networking activities in relation to The Django Web Framework.

We can use your help

If you want to help us with Django Day, please send us an email to

Previous events